Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Windy Wednesday

I started my beautiful morning off packing for the 8 minute drive to the beach with my dad. Oh my it was beautiful as you can see and there were also horse rides!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fresh Flowers

My dad has been working so much on our garden lately and I happened to find a beautiful orange-red hibiscus:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Busy breezy

This was probably the busiest Tuesday I have had since college. I was on the go from 6 A.M. until just 5 minutes ago. I actually like busy days like that makes the day go by faster. Anyway I'm still working on some paintings and drawings so I can post them soon! Until then..... Smile!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Beautiful Wednesday with a splash of t-ball

There are two things that I have to highlight in this post that make me really happy and grateful.

The first one is the gorgeous day I woke up to. As soon as I saw the sun shining bright through my window I stepped outside greeted by the beautiful scent of fresh air and perfect weather! Days like this make me want to yell "seize the day"! I pray for more days like today.

Secondly I have a nephew who is six years old playing on a select baseball team. I am extremely proud of him for being successful on this select team. I was fortunate to sit outside in the gorgeous weather to watch him play and boy.... Life can't get any better than this!

Don't forget your smile!